25 Gifts That Promote Wellbeing For Any Gender
Kaylee Dueber, LMHC, a licensed mental health therapist in NYC

Gift giving is an age-old way to show love and affection. When it comes to tangible gifts however, people can get repetitive in categorizing gifts with gender and what they think goes along with it. After years of buying gifts for someone, even if the person tends to enjoy typical gifts associated with a gender, you may need to mix it up! Gender neutral wellness gifts might just be the gift you’re looking for.
As adults, the variety of tangible gifts that folks like expands from fun & luxury items to more practical items. Gifts that encourage self-care can often be a blend between these. Some folks don’t have as much time or money to nourish themselves in ways that feel more luxurious. So buying an item that encourages enhancing their wellbeing can be an excellent gift! Of course, self-care is a practice. Some folks may be so disinclined or overwhelmed in this domain, so they might need you to set up the item or experience for them and/or encourage them to use it.
The list below is intended to go beyond gift-giving gender binaries for adults to widen the gifting framework while promoting wellbeing! It could also be that you’ll discover an item you’d like to enhance your home life and self-care! There are many price point options included so be sure to scroll through the list. Of course, if you like the idea of something but want to up the lux or down the price, take that idea and run with it—the internet is your oyster!
Disclaimer: While this article is written by a licensed mental health therapist and some of her favorite self-care products, it is not providing medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Any information published on this website is not intended as a substitute for medical advice.
Sunrise Wake Up Light and Alarm:
Light is essential for synchronizing your circadian rhythm. For folks who struggle with their energy levels, falling asleep, or waking up— this alarm clock is a game changer. You set the amount of time you want the light to take to “rise”/slowly begin to turn on, and then you can also add noises and an alarm time as well. As someone who struggles with falling asleep, and waking up— this alarm really shifted my wake up process and helped me feel less tired in the morning! I recommend setting a noise alarm sound 15 minutes after the light is fully on for a gentle rise and shine!
An Upgraded Shower Head
Shower heads are something we typically take for granted and don’t think about updating. So getting an upgrade can feel like a luxurious gift. This shower head is great if you’re on a bit of a budget, still want an upgrade for a handheld extension and a rain effect, and don’t want to take your pipes apart to install! There are tons of shower head types and price ranges for varieties of upgrades and can take your shower to the next level!
Noise-canceling Headphones
These are probably my favorite product of all time. It’s not an overstatement to say they changed my life! As a sensitive introverted person, I wish I could go back 6 years ago to when I first moved to NYC and gift them to myself then. I cannot underscore how powerful canceling out the city sounds on my 2-hour subway commute each day was. It’s akin to wheeling up your windows in your car and being able to listen to whatever you want. I got the non-wireless ones as a gift. Then when one ear stopped working about 2 years later, I took them into the Bose store and got a discounted upgrade to wireless. That was even cooler y’all because the chord used to get caught on things. The quality of technology like Bose is perfection and they’re warranted. Just take care of them and put them away in their case instead of tossing them in your bag and they will last. If you don’t, the cushy part will peal a bit.
Back Wheel
With the amount of hunching over we all do, having a wheel is a great incentive to take a moment to stretch— taking care of your body and mind. There are exercises you can do with these wheels, but the main use is for cracking the spine a bit and opening up the chest, and releasing neck and shoulder pain. I adore using this thing daily and think the look is quite elegant.
Berkey Water Filter
Clean purified water is life-giving. This is one of the best water purifiers in the market, so much so that you could literally use it out in nature (lots of folks who live off the grid do actually). If the person you’re shopping for doesn’t have a water purifier, getting them one is some next-level kinda love. They might not open it and be like “oh my goodness yay!” unless they’re on that natural life, but once they start using it and realize the different taste and feel of their water, they will be hooked. I personally have the Big Berkey and think it's the best size because its the biggest that you can still manageably move, but still get a lot of water in and is enough for a house of 4. It’s 2.25 Gallons (8.5 Liters). If you want to filter the fluoride out as well you can buy their fluoride filters. Protip: if you can’t afford a new one, on their website they offer “scratch and dent sales” where you can buy the system at discounted rates…that’s how I got mine!
Noise Machine
A small noise machine that can fit right at the edge of your doorframe is game changing for privacy and/or reducing disruption if you're easily startled by city soundscapes or housemates. This comes in handy super often living in places like NYC, where space is at a premium and privacy is something of a mythical creature. I mostly use it when on personal or work phone calls, but I've also used it when wanting to reduce the impact of all the random noises outside to sleep better. I love how small it is, how you can move the speaker direction, and how it doesn't need to be plugged in. With folks spending huge amounts of time at home together due to the pandemic conditions, you don't need to be a city dweller to appreciate a nice portable noise machine to create a sense of space amongst your housemates.
Scalp Shampoo Massager
This is one of those items unless you are aiming to increase hair growth, you may never buy as a lil budget friendly “luxury” item for yourself! A device that electronically massages your shampoo into your scalp while showering. This product even comes with a rechargeable base so you never have to worry about batteries. If you want to keep it cheap, you can get a basic one that you use only by hand so no electronic massaging.
Blue Light Blocker Glasses
For the indoor electronic screen lifestyle that 2020 has brought us, everyone could probably benefit from a pair of Blue Light Blocking Glasses. They filter the blue light from digital screens which can help folks decrease eye strain and help with sleep cycles.
Lap Desk
In the age of at-home learning and work and hanging… It seems fair every home gets a little lap desk. There are many different kinds. The main choice you have to make is if you want a lap desk that sits right on top of your legs, or if you want one with stilts that you can prop up. I currently like using one with stilts so my lil pup can sit under it on my lap! I also think it’s nice to have one with an adjustable tilt. If you want one with a tablet tray is a great, and so is this espresso color tablet tray.
Oil Diffuser
Oil diffusers are great for aromatherapy, or for covering smells of smoke or pets or other odors. People can keep it simple with fragrant charm, or get into essential oil properties and create blends for remedies for sleep, focus, mood and other states! Here’s a top line essential oil blend to promote restful sleep. You will want to pair the diffuser with at least one essential oil. Gold or Black
Key Storage
This might seem like an odd gift, but on the theme of self-care it is SO soothing to know you have a spare key easily accessible. Particularly if you live in a big city, asking your landlord to come unlock your apartment is sometimes not an option and if they do they can charge you hundreds of dollars. Thinking ahead of the game for your friend or lover etc. and getting them this key storage shows you’re really thinking about their wellbeing! I wouldn’t recommend getting this gift only though for a lover, unless it’s for someone who adores trinkets, definitely want to pair it with something more personal as well.
Kneeding Massage Pillow
Any person who lives in NYC has some back pain because we carry so much around all day long. Even if you don't, but oh dear don’t think twice and just buy it already if you do… a massager is a great way to unwind. This one however is a great size and you can move it to the specific area you want to target. I use mine almost every evening. Who doesn’t like/want/need a massage? They will probably open it and start using it then.
Bidet with Seat Heater
Say what?! *Most American’s react. Bidets are much more common as the ideal form of hygiene around the world rather than toilet paper. Once when I visited a friend’s apartment and asked to use their bathroom, they explained that they received this particular bidet as a wedding gift. They said they thought it was a bit over the top, but that their friend who bought it for them encouraged them to try and swore by how much they liked theirs. So, they gave it a go, and were sold. I tried it out, and must say, it was quite nice. The seat is heated, there is the cleansing spray, and an air dryer and it takes your bathroom emptying or prepping to the next level.. and yes I mean quick prepping for sex. Like toilet paper aint the best, if you could splurge for a bidet I bet your lovers will like it too.
Bidet attachment: If you’re like, dang that sounds amazing but a full on heated toilet seat ain't in the coins right now you could go with a bidet attachment.
Multi-purpose Lip Balm
Okay hard to follow the Toto bidet, butttt… I couldn’t complete this list without including my holy grail lip balm I’ve used for over 8 years now. I have super sensitive skin and lots of chapsticks and balms make my lips crack more or require a continued application. This Josie Maran balm however is incredibly simple and pure and moisten and nourishes without creating a need for more or cracking. I keep it by my bedside and put it on in the am and pm. They also come in tubs to apply with your fingers. It’s a bit hard to find and I hope they stay in stock!
Body Brush
Not to turn this into a full on self-care article…but! Did you know brushing your skin is great for smoother skin, circulation, blood flow, cell renewal, and stimulating the lymphatic system! You can look up “dry brushing” to read about it. It’s typically recommended before your shower. This brush is nice because it massages the muscles and skin with its two textures so a bit more multi faceted.
Portable Speaker
I use this one all the time biking around NYC. It’s great but it does need to be recharged relatively often. This was from my mom, she gave each of my brother and sister and I and our partners one at Christmas as her gift that year. We all didn’t really use it until my partner started using it everywhere, and then I told my siblings and then they told their partners and now we all use it often! Gifts are funny like that, sometimes we really do need encouragement on using them to get going with something new!
Bose: This one is more expensive but I see it often when other folks go to the park and it’s great quality.
High Powered Bike Light
Speaking of bikes, if your person is a biker get them a real solid bike light. My brother got me one a few years ago and it was a gift I appreciated more with time. When I opened it, I thought, “I already have a light.” But my brother explained what great quality it was, and it wasn’t until I put it on my bike and started using it that I realized how powerful it was and felt so much safer biking at night!
Adding life to someone’s space with plants can enhance their atmosphere! Plants don’t always come with pots so make sure you check the size and buy a pot to fit! You could get them something symbolic like a money tree, something relatively self-sustaining regardless of light amount like a Snake plant, or a Golden Pothos Devil's Ivy, or a little gaggle of plants that will need a pot or two!
Soil Moisture Meter
For plant enthusiasts, or someone who appreciates gadgets, get them a gadget that can tell them if their plant is ready for more water! It’s such a simple tool. Just tell them not to put it directly in water because that will burn the meter. With the amount of different care that plants take, having a little tool to check the degree of dryness or moisture in the soil is so helpful! This is a great gift on a budget. I personally enjoy using this soil moisture meter!
Bentonite Clay Face & Body Mask
Bentonite clay is the go to natural way for making your own mask to clean out your pores. It’s been used for ages and if you read the health blogs you’re bound to run into it. All you need is some water to mix with it, otherwise you can add a pinch of other things like Apple Cider Vinegar in as well. Lots of recipes out there but it's solid on its own.
Aromatherapy Infused Massage Balls
If you’re gifting to someone with chronic tight shoulders and neck, lacrosse balls are a go-to item to help knead out muscle tension. I had a knot I was struggling with for a while and these lacrosse balls were amazing to release tension. You put the balls between a wall and your back, outlining your spine with two or targeting an area with one, and dig in by leaning your body against them and rolling them up and down to release tension. Then I saw these aromatherapy massage balls however, and they caught my eye as a more luxurious self-care gift for someone who could give their body extra muscle relief in this way. They look better than lacrosse balls, and come paired with an essential oil mist to spray on the somewhat textured balls so the oil absorbs enough into the balls to still target the skin of the tense area with the oil as well! You can browse their store for various sizes, such as their "golf ball" sizes which sound great to get deeper under the shoulder blade.
Head Massager
A classic tingly relaxer. Great if you can give to your partner and then use it on them! But also lovely to have on your desk to take a break for a moment.
Fun Bookmarks
Reading is healthy for soooo many reasons, and sometimes lil things like adorable plant shaped or finger pointing book marks that can both mark where you’re at on a page or in a book— associate those endorphins with reading just a little bit more to make you want to keep coming back! If anything else, they may just make ya smile and feel a bit happier about your reading time!
These function as a bookmark and a line reading strip. Intended for kids with dyslexia but I say adults of differing learning abilities or not may enjoy it as well.
Portable Soap Sheets
In the age of Covid, washing your hands with soap is said to break down bacteria best. When giving gifts to someone conscious of cleaning they may appreciate this gift they haven’t thought of yet!
Cash or gift cards
Extra financial support is typically an appreciated gift! Again if it’s for a lover probably want to pair that with a personal item as well. For git cards, make sure they’re actually interested in that store. I’ve received many coffee shop and technology gift cards in the past that I still have because I don’t drink coffee and usually only get tech upgrades when gifted directly. Unless you know the person's favorite place to shop that brings them joy, general gift cards will have the highest likelihood of being used. Think something like Apple, Lyft, Visa, Amazon, Grubhub, Bed Bath & Beyond, Even Whole Foods or other grocery store gift cards could be a welcome gift for many folks.
Art of All Kinds
Art is a rather timeless gift idea that enhances atmosphere. A poster or painting or picture or album or book or writing or recording of someone or something that inspires them or whom they appreciate can be super meaningful. Work done by yourself can also be meaningful depending on the person!
Hiring a Helper for Them
If you know an area someone could use extra support in, hiring them help could be a huge benefit. Maybe for an hour, a few hours, a day, a few days... maybe a certain amount of sessions, or ongoing! Some folks really struggle with organizing, nutrition, finances, cleaning, executive function, fitness, mental wellness etc.
Pairing Tangible Gifts With an Experience
While some folks feel especially appreciated by having something tangible to hold from you, others may feel more loved with an experiential gift and/or donating to a cause they care about. These things aren’t mutually exclusive. A tangible gift can be nicely paired with a more intangible one. Like:
- Indoor skydiving tickets + a motivational book
- An airbnb reservation + sunglasses
- Donation to sea turtles + reusable straw
- Class series on a skill + journal & pens
- Membership somewhere + an outfit to wear there
Good luck in your gifting and let us know how it turns out and if you have other gender neutral adult self-care gift ideas recommendations!